วันจันทร์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

log week 2 Inside classroom

Inside classroom
Today are second week for Curriculum and learning management in classroom and presentation day .while the presentation is started the members of class must interest and write about that presentation. When presentation is ended we can ask question and summary for these groups. In this day have three topic in presentation such as, A belief of language teaching, Content based learning, and Problem based learning.
The first topic is A belief of language teaching.  Belief about content is teacher’s belief about their student. This beliefs include what it means to be a student, how student should relate to teacher and the impact of student differences on classroom practice and culture.
The second topic is Content based learning. CBL is teaching organized around the content or information that student will acquire and not around the linguistic or other type of syllabus. CBL integrate the learning of language with the learning of some other content.
The last topic is problem based learning. PBL is an exciting alternative
to traditional classroom learning. With PBL, your teacher presents you with a problem, not lectures or assignments or exercises. Since you are not handed "content", your learning becomes active in the sense that you discover and work with content that you determine to be necessary to solve the problem.

In conclusion, The first thing for teacher’s teaching language is belief. It is the most important to be successful. Teaching styles are design by teacher, it depend on the environments such as, classroom, student and objective learning. In this class is practice me for asking skill and discussion.

